Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Six Weeks of Carly!!!

Carly turned six weeks old yesterday!! I was saying something to Steve about it and his comment was, "She's only six weeks?? It seems she's been here a lot longer than that." It REALLY does seem like she's older.

So what's new with Carly?? Nothing much...still the same eating, sleeping, and pooping machine as always...LOL. Although last night she slept for a 4 hour stretch, ate, and then turned around and slept another 3 1/2 hours!! Go, Carly!!!

Alas, the Princess is awake and crying, so more later!

Here is the very first time I saw Carly!!! 9/23/2008

Carly--One Week Old

Carly--Two Weeks Old (with a diaper hat...silly Mommy!)

Carly--Three Weeks Old

Carly--Four Weeks Old

Carly--Five Weeks Old (First smiles!!)

Carly--Six Weeks Old (She's not a very happy baby today..Miss Cranky Pants)