Sunday, November 23, 2008

Letter to Carly: Two months old

To my dearest little angel face:

Happy two month birthday today!! Wow...time has a way of warping speed in both directions! Some days it feels like you've been a part of our lives these past two months have stretched into I can't remember what I was doing a month ago, it's been so long. And other days, it feels like I have blinked and "ta-da", two months of your life has just vanished in an instance.
You are such a joy...even when you are crying or sick (as we have had our fair share lately), you are still my little ray of sunshine. I cannot imagine life without you, nor do I even want to. I was just telling your Auntie Kristie the other day that I do not feel as stressed or sleep deprived as I have in the past. She says it is because I am in love. Well, why wouldn't I be?? YOu are not old enough to talk back or get in trouble...LOL..and you LOVE to cuddle!
As much as I love your brothers, it is so neat to finally have a daughter. I love to dress you up in such cute clothes. Your room and closet look like someone threw up pink and purple...LOL. I always said that I was NOT going to be a bow/headband mom, but today I bought you a very cute white headband with a not too big bow to wear with your Christmas dress. (Which is red, velvety and very cute!!) I'm wishing you would grow some more hais so I can buy you some real Texas sized bows!!

Let's see...from last month to this month, you do a couple more things. You smile now, and it melts my heart. Your eyes crinkle up--just like mine do!! I think you have a very cute smile...but I know all mom's think that about their children! You hold your head up very, very well. And you bobble it like you're trying to tell me "oh no you di-n't"! You like to stand on my lap. You prefer to be held while the "holder" is standing. You like to of your favorite ways to fall asleep is to be cradled and patted (at least I think it;s your favorite b/c it works every time!!) You also like to chew on daddy's shirt when he holds you like that. You like to watch yourself in the mirror when you get a bath, which you don't mind at all! You hate your binky; you prefer to use mommy as a paci instead. You sleep in your own crib (small victory for mommy!!) and you sleep 3-5 hours at a time at night.

As I have nicknames for everyone, it is only fitting that you have some, too. Here's what we call you...Carls, Carlsbad, Car-Car, Princess Carls-a-lot, and, my own personal favorite, Rita Carlita. I say it with a trill on the R's and you smile so big. I think that's the one that is going to stick, because that is now what your brothers call you!! Miss Rita Carlita.

You now weigh 11 lbs, 4 oz and are 21 1/2 inches long. Dr Coco says you are right on track and are doing great!! You even did well with your shots...not a lot of tears...but, hey, if you can get through a catheter, you can handle the shots!

I love you more and more each day. And so do your brothers, who want to hold you ALL the time. You cutest thing is to watch Ryan "hold" you and kiss the top of your head so gently.

I am excited to see what the next few months have in store for you! It is going to be so much fun to watch you learn to roll, sit, crawl, walk...and, of course, dress you in all those cute clothes!!

~Hugs and Kisses~


(Every month on your "month birthday", I take a picture of you in the same spot on the couch--I did it with each of your brothers, and it is neat to look back and see how much you grew month to month!!)