Friday, November 28, 2008

Hurtful Comments

I am a very sensitive much so that I cringe when I hear people make hurtful/insensitive comments to OTHER people. It makes me indignant or hurts my feelings for the recipient of the's especially worse when the comment is unintentional. Does that make sense??

I am always and forever thinking things in my mind so that when I open my mouth to speak I do not hurt someone or offend them. (Now those that reeeaaaallllly know me, know that I may be full of gossip, but at least it is not hurtful gossip!) For instance...I was at Lowe's the other day and the customer service girl happened to be African American. She was having to bust some butt's of the other workers...I almost made the comment that she needed to crack that whip b/c she was the slave driver for the evening. YIKES--luckily, I thought it through before I said it. Or maybe if I am around someone that is a little overweight, I will not say any comments like "shut your big fat mouth"...that's not something I would say anyway, but just trying to give an example....albeit a lame one.

So imagine my surprise yesterday when Steve told me that I say hurtful things all the time. WHAT? He couldn't really give me any examples to back up what he said, but still... I think his comment to me was, "Well, you do that all the time." EXCUSE ME?? It really threw me for a loop. Here's someone that is supposed to know me better than most, and this is what he thinks about me? It doesn't match how I see myself, so who is right? Am I deluding myself into thinking I am this nice, conscientious person when I'm really not? That really hurt my feelings...and I am still trying to wrestle with it.

And to top it off...he later told me that I have no decorating taste. I might just spit in his piece of homemade pumpkin pie...LOL