Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Baby is All Growed Up

Yesterday was Landon's sixth birthday. We did the whole "it's your birthday, so you get to choose what we do" thing. Landon chose to eat pizza at Joe's Pizza and then go to Nickelmania to play some games. In between those two activities, we ate cake and Landon opened his presents. We got him a bike a couple of weeks ago, so he only had some token gifts to open. And wouldn't you know that he was most impressed with a grab bag from the Dollar Tree. Come on now, it was filled with pencils, play-do, a slinky and a foam gun, but it was his "best" gift. Umm, hello?? I guess I'll take the bike back. LOL. He does love his bike, and has become quite proficient at riding it! I also went to Landon's school and had lunch with him...I let him choose the menu, and he asked for beef tips with rice and broccoli. Even his teacher was impressed at his culinary taste! I could tell he was excited to be able to sit at the special table and eat lunch, but after a while, he grew bored and begged to be done so he could sit with his friends. So much for that...

Life with Landon has been difficult starting the day he was born. I pushed for over two hours because he was posterior, only to have the doctor manually turn him. Can you say "OUCH"?? He suffered from numerous ear infections, only to get tubes in his ears at 6 months of age. He was born with an ear remnant, only to have it surgically removed at 18 months old. (The same plastic surgeon who separated the Egyptian twins was the one who performed Landon's surgery. It looks great now and you'd never know he had it done.) Landon's personality is so much like mine; I think that is why we clash. He is a perfectionist, Type-A, talkative (oh so talkative), very sensitive soul. Does that sound like anyone you know??? The traits that I do not like about myself are the ones I see when he "acts out."

So I am left to be amazed that Landon and I made it to six years...(just kidding, sort of)'s to the next six being not so rough.

As soon as I quit being lazy, I will post pictures of him from yesterday!


Anonymous said...

quit being lazy and show us that sweet boy!!!!!

I wish Brennan was still 6:(