Saturday, November 29, 2008

Alert the Media!!

Important announcement:

Carly slept through the night last night!!!!!!!!!

LOL...only a sleep deprived mother would be that excited! Anyway...she went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 6:15am! Now if only Ryan hadn't had a bad dream, then I would've been golden...LOL. I was getting a little stressed about Carly and the sleep situation, as I go back to work in two weeks...hoepfully this is not a fluke and she'll continue to saw logs all night long from here on out!

We had professional family pictures taken today at Kiddie favorite place for kids's the end result!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hurtful Comments

I am a very sensitive much so that I cringe when I hear people make hurtful/insensitive comments to OTHER people. It makes me indignant or hurts my feelings for the recipient of the's especially worse when the comment is unintentional. Does that make sense??

I am always and forever thinking things in my mind so that when I open my mouth to speak I do not hurt someone or offend them. (Now those that reeeaaaallllly know me, know that I may be full of gossip, but at least it is not hurtful gossip!) For instance...I was at Lowe's the other day and the customer service girl happened to be African American. She was having to bust some butt's of the other workers...I almost made the comment that she needed to crack that whip b/c she was the slave driver for the evening. YIKES--luckily, I thought it through before I said it. Or maybe if I am around someone that is a little overweight, I will not say any comments like "shut your big fat mouth"...that's not something I would say anyway, but just trying to give an example....albeit a lame one.

So imagine my surprise yesterday when Steve told me that I say hurtful things all the time. WHAT? He couldn't really give me any examples to back up what he said, but still... I think his comment to me was, "Well, you do that all the time." EXCUSE ME?? It really threw me for a loop. Here's someone that is supposed to know me better than most, and this is what he thinks about me? It doesn't match how I see myself, so who is right? Am I deluding myself into thinking I am this nice, conscientious person when I'm really not? That really hurt my feelings...and I am still trying to wrestle with it.

And to top it off...he later told me that I have no decorating taste. I might just spit in his piece of homemade pumpkin pie...LOL

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Need a WIFE...

Wanted: Someone extraordinarily special to care for my family. This wonderful person will cook three different meals nightly to satisfy the ever-changing tastes of my picky children and husband. She will be expected to clean the kitchen with no help from anyone who just ate the fruits of her labor. She will also clean each room thoroughly at least twice daily...usually more, due to children who don't grasp the concept of picking up toys and a husband who likes to leave stuff out. The bathrooms are especially important, as you will find dirt in the tub, beard hairs on the counter and toothpaste specks on the mirror, even if you just cleaned it an hour ago. Laundry is a in "you must do four loads of laundry a day or you will face an insurmountable mountain of dirty, stinky clothes." I'm sure it has something to do with children who change clothes three times a day and husbands who like to toss wet towels waaaaaaay in the back behind the basket. Duties also include picking up whiny children from school and daycare, as well as providing hours of after school entertainment. Don't be intimidated by shouts of "you're mean" and "you NEVER let me do anything fun"--these are just phrases that children use to show their love and affection. In addition, you will provide 24/7 infant care to a beautiful princess, as no one else in the house can be bothered to pick her up when she's crying. It really doesn't matter if your hands are full or you are right in the middle of a task, you will hear heavy sighs and snide remarks if you ask for help. Don't ever forget that you are Superwoman. Also included in your daily routine are homework, bathtime and bedtime rituals which will take up most of the evening, leaving you with little down time.

Other non-daily duties include but are not limited to: single-handedly paying the monthly bills in full despite all the frivolous spending by male members of this family. Planning and carefully crafting a shopping list, which you will then discard as you try to push one cart filled with three lovely, albeit bratty kids, and drag another behind you to fill with over-priced groceries. You must also be a boo-boo kisser, a fight breaker-upper, and the giver of different forms of punishment, as what works today will not necessarily work tomorrow.

You must have an always sunny disposition, as you are not allowed to be cranky...well, you can be cranky, but you must never show it or you will be subjected to the same heavy sighs and snide comments as above. Come to think of it, you will be subjected to heavy sighs and snide comments no matter what.

It will also help if you have a full time job in addition to the job is expected that the wife, as stated before, will be Superwoman.

If any of this sounds like you, PLEASE come save me, as I QUIT!

Monday, November 24, 2008

A lot can change in one month....

Here's Carly's one month pictures:

Here's her two month pictures!!

Pics of Landon's Birthday

Ooops..I forgot a cake brain was reaaaaaaally tired that day....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Letter to Carly: Two months old

To my dearest little angel face:

Happy two month birthday today!! Wow...time has a way of warping speed in both directions! Some days it feels like you've been a part of our lives these past two months have stretched into I can't remember what I was doing a month ago, it's been so long. And other days, it feels like I have blinked and "ta-da", two months of your life has just vanished in an instance.
You are such a joy...even when you are crying or sick (as we have had our fair share lately), you are still my little ray of sunshine. I cannot imagine life without you, nor do I even want to. I was just telling your Auntie Kristie the other day that I do not feel as stressed or sleep deprived as I have in the past. She says it is because I am in love. Well, why wouldn't I be?? YOu are not old enough to talk back or get in trouble...LOL..and you LOVE to cuddle!
As much as I love your brothers, it is so neat to finally have a daughter. I love to dress you up in such cute clothes. Your room and closet look like someone threw up pink and purple...LOL. I always said that I was NOT going to be a bow/headband mom, but today I bought you a very cute white headband with a not too big bow to wear with your Christmas dress. (Which is red, velvety and very cute!!) I'm wishing you would grow some more hais so I can buy you some real Texas sized bows!!

Let's see...from last month to this month, you do a couple more things. You smile now, and it melts my heart. Your eyes crinkle up--just like mine do!! I think you have a very cute smile...but I know all mom's think that about their children! You hold your head up very, very well. And you bobble it like you're trying to tell me "oh no you di-n't"! You like to stand on my lap. You prefer to be held while the "holder" is standing. You like to of your favorite ways to fall asleep is to be cradled and patted (at least I think it;s your favorite b/c it works every time!!) You also like to chew on daddy's shirt when he holds you like that. You like to watch yourself in the mirror when you get a bath, which you don't mind at all! You hate your binky; you prefer to use mommy as a paci instead. You sleep in your own crib (small victory for mommy!!) and you sleep 3-5 hours at a time at night.

As I have nicknames for everyone, it is only fitting that you have some, too. Here's what we call you...Carls, Carlsbad, Car-Car, Princess Carls-a-lot, and, my own personal favorite, Rita Carlita. I say it with a trill on the R's and you smile so big. I think that's the one that is going to stick, because that is now what your brothers call you!! Miss Rita Carlita.

You now weigh 11 lbs, 4 oz and are 21 1/2 inches long. Dr Coco says you are right on track and are doing great!! You even did well with your shots...not a lot of tears...but, hey, if you can get through a catheter, you can handle the shots!

I love you more and more each day. And so do your brothers, who want to hold you ALL the time. You cutest thing is to watch Ryan "hold" you and kiss the top of your head so gently.

I am excited to see what the next few months have in store for you! It is going to be so much fun to watch you learn to roll, sit, crawl, walk...and, of course, dress you in all those cute clothes!!

~Hugs and Kisses~


(Every month on your "month birthday", I take a picture of you in the same spot on the couch--I did it with each of your brothers, and it is neat to look back and see how much you grew month to month!!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chocolate disaster...

I had an epiphany today...the kind that sneaks up and smacks you on the know, a true V-8 kind of moment. I REALLY shouldn't bake when I am sleep deprived.

For some reason, I am very, very tired today. Carly slept OK last night, so I am betting it is just life crashing full force that's causing me to be so exhausted.

I have to make Landon a cake tonight because tomorrow we will celebrate his birthday at my mother's house. Let me list the things I did wrong to this poor, defenseless cake. I forgot to add the vanilla (no biggie, I am guessing); while mixing, I let go of the spoon and it tangled in the beaters , causing massive amounts of chocolate batter to splatter all over me, the counter, the stove, the floor; instead of putting the batter in THREE 8 inch pans, I put it in TWO because that's all I have. So when I smelled burning chocolate and my cake had only been in the over 15 minutes, I knew something was wrong. Yep--the cake was oozing and dripping all over the sides of my pan, and burning on the bottom of the oven.

So not only did I get to clean me, the counter, and the floor, but now I get to clean the oven. And to top it all off, Ryan had yet ANOTHER poop incident and I had to clean the carpet, his toilet seat and his pants. Yay me!

All I can say is this cake better taste pretty darn good!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Baby is All Growed Up

Yesterday was Landon's sixth birthday. We did the whole "it's your birthday, so you get to choose what we do" thing. Landon chose to eat pizza at Joe's Pizza and then go to Nickelmania to play some games. In between those two activities, we ate cake and Landon opened his presents. We got him a bike a couple of weeks ago, so he only had some token gifts to open. And wouldn't you know that he was most impressed with a grab bag from the Dollar Tree. Come on now, it was filled with pencils, play-do, a slinky and a foam gun, but it was his "best" gift. Umm, hello?? I guess I'll take the bike back. LOL. He does love his bike, and has become quite proficient at riding it! I also went to Landon's school and had lunch with him...I let him choose the menu, and he asked for beef tips with rice and broccoli. Even his teacher was impressed at his culinary taste! I could tell he was excited to be able to sit at the special table and eat lunch, but after a while, he grew bored and begged to be done so he could sit with his friends. So much for that...

Life with Landon has been difficult starting the day he was born. I pushed for over two hours because he was posterior, only to have the doctor manually turn him. Can you say "OUCH"?? He suffered from numerous ear infections, only to get tubes in his ears at 6 months of age. He was born with an ear remnant, only to have it surgically removed at 18 months old. (The same plastic surgeon who separated the Egyptian twins was the one who performed Landon's surgery. It looks great now and you'd never know he had it done.) Landon's personality is so much like mine; I think that is why we clash. He is a perfectionist, Type-A, talkative (oh so talkative), very sensitive soul. Does that sound like anyone you know??? The traits that I do not like about myself are the ones I see when he "acts out."

So I am left to be amazed that Landon and I made it to six years...(just kidding, sort of)'s to the next six being not so rough.

As soon as I quit being lazy, I will post pictures of him from yesterday!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ryan and Carly

There are days when I see certain expresssions on Carly's little face that remind me so much of Ryan as a baby. Then there are days when I think that Carly looks like her own little self...definitely a Caro, but her own person...make sense??

Anyway--here are some pics of Ryan and Carly--do you see the resemblance?? Each "set" has Ryan first (as evidenced by the crappy quality--we got a better camera last year), then Carly.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Yes, Virginia, he really DOES exist...

This weekend was Austin's football playoff game for Denton Youth Football League. This was his last year to play for them, as he is turning THIRTEEN (!!!!) in a couple of months. He has worked hard over the years, and has turned into quite the talented little athelete. He had some really good plays as quaterback, and an awesome flying tackle during defense. But, alas, a win was not meant to be. These poor boys were very upset about losing, but none more so than Austin...he really wanted to go to the "Super Bowl" of DYFL. But on a positive note, he was hand picked to play in a two day football tournament this coming weekend...only the best get picked! Go, Austin!!

And to prove that he really DOES exist, here is a picture of my handsome footballer... UTI...what's going on??!!

So Carly's pedi's office called this morning and said that the urine culture came back negative. She never had a UTI in the first place. I am left wondering why the original urinalysis was positive for an infection? I thought maybe contamination, but the sample was obtained via catheter. Wonder if it had anything to do with the nurse's he did retry with the SAME catheter. It happened so fast that I didn;t have time to say anything about him re-using the catheter, and after all was said and done, I didn't want her to have to go through that ANOTHER time. Any insights??????

Anyway--here's some pictures of Carly at seven weeks old...enjoy!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Princess Carly visits the E.R.

It's been a hectic couple of days here...

It all started Wednesday night, when I took Carly's temp b/c she seemed a little hot to me. It was 100.4 She was starting to get a little congested, so I put in a call to her pedi. The on-call doc said to give her some Tylenol and bring her to the office in the a.m. The rest of that night was horrible, as Carly could not nurse very well and woke up every hour. She ended up sleeping on my chest while I was sitting in the recliner. Needless to say, I only got about 2 hrs of sleep.

So yesterday morning, I took her to see her regular pedi. He checked her out and even did a nasal swab for RSV. It all came back negative--no RSV, no ear infections, no icky sounds in her lungs, but she still had a fever of 101.4. He gave her a RX for Augmentin to ward off an ear infection and told me to keep giving her Tylenol. He said that if she seemed any worse, to call and he would send her to the hospital. Of course, the hospital where I work does not have a pedi I would have to take her to another hospital if she needed to go. And of course, as my insurance is soooooo wonderful, that hospital is not in network...oh joy.

Later that evening, she just wasn't herself. She was glassy eyed and listless. Her fever was back and her poor little nose was so blocked she couldn't nurse at all. So my friend who has worked NICU and pedi in the past came and listened to her lungs. She heard some wheezing and saw some mild retractions. Off to the ER we go

We got there at around 7:30pm. We didn't leave until 1:30 THIS MORNING. Steve had to stay home with the boys, so one of my dearest friends came to sit with me. Anyway--Carly, of course, sounded fine when we got there (you know the whole take them to the dr and the symptoms disappear thing), but the ER doc was concerned that she had a fever of unknown origin at her young age (7 weeks). So he ordered all sorts of tests. The chest xray made Carly scream at being held down--it was negative. The IV caused her and I pain--she was screaming as we all had to hold her down and I was getting upset to see my baby girl in pain. THe bloodwork was negative. On to the UA--they had to cath her to get the urine. I am so glad that Angela was there b/c this was the point that I was about to lose it. To watch my seven week old baby being held down and screaming her lungs off while her nurse sticks a catheter into her very tiny parts just broke my heart. Of course he can't get it on the first try--made me want to smack him and tell him to get out of my way and let me do it b/c I KNOW I could do a better job.) I am tearing up now thinking about it. It turns out that Carly has a UTI. Very weird for a tiny baby to have one. The doctor assured me it was nothing I had done--as I was thinking it was my fault even though I wipe front to back and change her as soon as she is dirty. He said that it might be something structural, so after this clears up, she will get a sonogram and a work up to see if something is amiss. They gave her some Rocephin IV and sent us on our way home.

At this point, I was so tired, as I only had 2 hrs sleep in a 24 hr time period...but good little Carly slept pretty well this morning and I got to sleep in to 9 AM!! (Only a mother of a new baby would think that was late...LOL!)

As soon as I knew she was OK, I took a picture couple of pictures of her first E.R. visit.

Here's poor Princess--they had to put an arm board on to protect her IV.

Here's Carly and Angela, my life-saver!

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm so far behind the times....

I really am a dinosaur when it comes to new technology. It took FOREVER for Steve and I to get the internet. When we did I was reluctant to get a digital camera because I thought that paper prints were waaaaay better...ha ha ha. Anyway, I have had a digital camera for about two years now, but I really didn't take tons of pictures. That has all changed now that I can edit them with my Kodak software AND since I am going to get some Scrapbooking software for Christmas.
I literally take pictures of the kids every day now. I have taken over 100 in the last week. Can you say "Overload??" Anyway, enjoy:

BTW--I still don't have a DVR. humbug...

It really irritates me to no end to see Chistmas stuff up already. Come on now, it's not even Thanksgiving yet and everywhere I go, it looks like red and green, Santa and his little elves, and silly old reindeer have exploded all over the place. Can I please enjoy my autumn before Santa and his minions take over??

Add that to all the greed that surrounds us and that I deal with at this time of year from certain people, and you can clearly see why Christmas no longer appeals to me. Not really, but that is how I feel today after a night of Christmas shopping for gifts that nobody is going to appreciate anyway. I want to go back to the good ol' days when Christmas was about family and togetherness, not "here's what you're gonna get me" (yes, I have actually had someone tell me that) and Christmas lists a mile long. This Christmas is going to be a little tight this year, as I have one more kiddo to buy for (although she won't know the difference) and I am still on maternity leave from work. If I am scaling back on my own kids gifts, then why should I spend a bunch of money for other people to have a better Christmas than my own children? Does that even make sense? Sorry I am "scrooging" right now.

I want to go look at lights (closer to the actual day, of course), make cookies and hot chocolate with my kids, decorate our tree while listening to carols, and, most importantly, celebrate and remember the REAL reason for Christmas...Jesus! I want to see the look of joy on my sweet babies faces when experiencing all the good, love, and togetherness that Christmas has to offer. I want to abolish the greed, pettiness and ungrateful attitudes that I know I will be seeing.

*Sigh* I really DO love the Christmas season. I just wish it wasn't so commercialized.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Terrible Two's???? Not here!!

As you can well imagine, life with a two year old is NEVER dull. Lots of talk has been made about the dreaded, awful, horrifying terrible two's. But it looks like I might have dodged a bullet this time around!! While Ryan does have his moments of two-ness, for the most part he is such a sweet and amazing child!! (Of course what mother doesn't think that about HER child??!!)

So I decided to journal some of the cute (and not-so-cute) things he does and says, so that I will always remember life with a two year old!!

--The other night, as I was getting Ryan to bed, I told him, "Night-night, Baby." And he told me, "Night-night, Baby Mommy." Definite melt-my-heart moment!

--Recently, he has started to use the corner of the kitchen when he, umm, fills his diaper. Each and every time, he comes running out of the kitchen and says in this very excited, sweet little voice, "Poo poo come out!" As if I had any doubt it would, RyRy!

--He loves to carry "monies" around...usually it is just a couple of pennies or so. When I ask him what he is going to do with his money, he tells me, very excitedly, "Pay gamessss!" Which means he wants to go to "Kuck Keese" (Chick E Cheese).

That's all that comes to mind right now...I know there's a million more I'm not thinking of...

Six Weeks of Carly!!!

Carly turned six weeks old yesterday!! I was saying something to Steve about it and his comment was, "She's only six weeks?? It seems she's been here a lot longer than that." It REALLY does seem like she's older.

So what's new with Carly?? Nothing much...still the same eating, sleeping, and pooping machine as always...LOL. Although last night she slept for a 4 hour stretch, ate, and then turned around and slept another 3 1/2 hours!! Go, Carly!!!

Alas, the Princess is awake and crying, so more later!

Here is the very first time I saw Carly!!! 9/23/2008

Carly--One Week Old

Carly--Two Weeks Old (with a diaper hat...silly Mommy!)

Carly--Three Weeks Old

Carly--Four Weeks Old

Carly--Five Weeks Old (First smiles!!)

Carly--Six Weeks Old (She's not a very happy baby today..Miss Cranky Pants)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Of gap toothed smiles, fuzzy hair and zits...

I think I will rename my family "Leslie and the Funky Bunch" because my children REALLY are a funky bunch...LOL.

Here's Landon's gap toothed grin...he lost his first tooth a few days ago!! Of course the tooth fairy brought him ONE WHOLE DOLLAR, which he promptly spent on some candy.

Ryan has some seriously funky hair...he needs a stylist, PRONTO! (But never fear, Daddy took him to get a haircut earlier today!)

And poor Carly, I thought that zits were for teenagers, but apparently, when you belong to the funky bunch, zits pop out at FIVE WEEKS.

Now to prove that my kiddos really are cute, here's a pic of three of the four (kiddo number four is with his dad this weekend...and therefore missed out on all my amateur picture taking...lucky him!)

Happy Halloween!!

Well, I am just a couple of days late with this, but, hey, considering that last year I did not download the Halloween pics until Christmas, I think I am doing pretty darn good!!

Steve took the boys trick or treating while Carly, my friend Angela, and I stayed home and passed out candy. It was such heaven to have a quiet house.

Here's Landon, the scary ghost...I think it's funny that he wanted to be something scary considering the child cannot even watch a Nickelodeon Halloween special without getting freaked out...

Here's my dinosaur...ROAR!!! Ryan loved his costume!

He inherited it from Landon, who also wore it when he was two. Here's Landon in 2005:

And, finally, here is Carly...can you guess what she was?? LOL...she was a baby in a Halloween onesie. Landon thought she was a cat with her black tights. I guess I should've put some ears on her and gone with that.