Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ryan and Carly Part Two

I was reading my MySpace blog, when I ran across this old blog. Pay particular attention to the bolded part down towards the bottom:

"Friday, April 04, 2008
I went for an ultrasound the other check the "transnuchal fold" for Down's Syndrome, because, you know, I am sooooo old. Anyway, that particular scan is anywhere from 11 weeks to 13 weeks & 6 days. The trick is to schedule the appt at the latest possible date so you might be able to find out the gender. (Apparently some people on a babyblog website that I belong to are vehemently opposed to the idea that, oh-my-gosh, you might be able to find out earlier than 20 weeks, and have let their feelings be known.)
Anyway, I went on April 1st when I was 13 weeks & 5 days. The baby actually measured 14 weeks exactly, and the paperwork from the MD office said that gender could be determined from 14 weeks on...I figure at that point I am golden!! The neck-folds measured Down's for my baby!
MD: Three boys, huh? I can't tell you 100% what the gender is...blah, blah, blah. Do you want to know what I think?
Me: Oh, yeah!
MD: I see girl parts.
Me: Are you April Fooling me????
MD: No, now you have someone to go shopping with. And someone to buy a purse for. (What??? He's a little weird.) I had a smile on my face that no one could wipe off! He printed some pics of her to give me. A couple of profile shots...
I think she might look like Ryan, which means another baby that DOES NOT look like me. Oh well.
At one point she had her tongue sticking out. He said she was "licking the placenta." Oh gross, stop that baby. That's disgusting, considering I deal with placentas on a regular basis at my work....ICK! She'll fit in perfectly with the boys!"

Did I call it or what????