Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just call me Grace

So yesterday, I had a lovely experience. I was with a patient in Radiology (never been there before, hope to never go back...), when she complained of not feeling well. She said she felt faint and that she was going to throw up. Since the anesthesiologist had gone to get lunch, I was pretty much the only one not scrubbed in who was close enough to help her. I tried to hurry over to her, but misjudged stepping over the plethora of wires that were, oh, about knee high. Yes, folks...I bit it. I tripped over the wires and started to fall, but had the presence of mind to turn my body so that I fell flat on my big ol' behind. IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. You should have seen the look on the scrub tech's face. All I could see were her eyes above her mask, and they were as wide as saucers. I thought I was going to die right then and there. At least they were all sweet about it and didn't laugh. To add insult to injury, I had to take a urine test to make sure I didn't have drugs in my system at the time of the accident. Nope, just vitamins, which the Nursing Supervisor told me she could smell in my pee. Really?? Don't you think I'm embarrassed enough?? Seriously. Once again, I could have died right then and there.

Oh well...embarrassing at the moment, funny today. Too bad my butt cheek hurts now.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I cant stop laughing...I am fixing to pee on myself.....hee hee