Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Own Personal Water World

Remember the movie Water World?? The box-office flop with Kevin Costner?? A movie about a floating "city" atop the water?? That's how my life is...a little city floating atop water, water, and more water.

You see, water is HIGHLY attracted to me. Wherever I go, there's some form of water waiting in the background for the perfect opportunity to jump out and cause much grief. I must have peed in the pool one too many times as a child, and now it is coming back to bite me in the behind. How else can you explain the bad karma I have with water???

Case in point...the first year Steve and I were married, we had a flood on Christmas Day. The hot water pipe in our tiny apartment burst, and sent steaming water spewing forth on to the floors, walls, and in to our downstairs neighbors apartment. Much drama ensued when the maintenance man was a jerk and wouldn't come help phone call to the fire department solved all that.

Case against water #2--The very week we moved in to our house a suspiciously cloggy toilet caused the washing machine to spew forth water on to our Pergo flooring in the kitchen and all through the master bedroom, master bathroom and master closet. Much drama ensued as my dear old Dad came to help turn off the water and I realized just how much damage there was. Bye-bye to the beautiful Pergo flooring.

Water drama #3--About, oh, six months after the Great Flood of 2006 (see above), we had yet ANOTHER flood, thanks in part to my lovely sons. I blogged about it on another site:

"Lightening DOES strike twice...
Wow...remember the flood I had a while back??? Had one again today. Yes, again. And yes, the Pergo flooring had to go, again. Ryan and I were taking a nap (I am just coming off my third night shift in a row), when Landon comes to my room crying that "Austin peed all over my bathroom." I just figured that Austin had bad aim and told Landon to chill. Next thing I know, Landon is screaming and crying. I jumped up and lo and behold, the hall bathroom was flooded. Seems that Austin had a touch of diarrhea and used a massive amount of toilet paper to wipe. So when he flushed, it over flowed. TWO hours later, when Landon went in, the floor was all wet. My ever so helpful four year old took it upon himself to flush the toilet again, and created an even bigger mess for me to clean. It took every towel I own to clean up the floor, and my Dad came over to help me pull up the Pergo. It was the nastiest thing ever, since there was little pieces of semi-formed poop floating in the brownish water. YUK...I'm having ceramic tile installed next week.
Am I home free, or will lightening strike an unprecedented third time????"
What did I ever do to water to deserve this?? Case #4:
Yep folks, lightening does strike a third time...On Christmas Eve, I was at home, making fudge, when I heard what can only be described as a hissing sound coming from our NEWLY BUILT playroom. Yes, the very same playroom in which I JUST finished installing flooring....yeah, that playroom. Anyway, it took me a couple of seconds to realize that water was spewing forth from the hot water heater. And not just a little bit of water. After many phone calls and much crying and moaning on my part, the water was turned off, the electricity cut off (I was told it would have started a fire in about 30 minutes or so), and the old hot water heater was hauled away. Thank you , Jesus, that my friend's husband was a plumber in a previous life and he installed our brand spanking new hot water heater that afternoon. Merry Christmas to us.
So you can see why I think, no wait, make that KNOW, water hates me.