Friday, January 23, 2009

Four Months Already?? (Letter to Carly)

My dearest Carly,

I cannot believe that it has been exactly four months since you arrived! What a delightful four months it has been, and I am looking forward to discovering what the future holds for you (and us)! You are getting to be such a big girl now...I don't have a weight/length on you just yet, but I will update after your four month check-up with Dr Coco next Friday. But I can tell you have grown so hold your head up like a pro now! And you can sit up for a little bit on your own!! (Granted, you are slouching when you do it, but still!!! Look at the pics from today and you will see!!)

You "talk" to us all the time, but is that really a surprise, you are my daughter, after all! You also rolled over for the first time last week...I think it was Thursday were on my bed, and *whoosh* you turned from your back to your tummy. Now you haven't done it since, but I saw it with my own eyes, so I know you can! You also discovered your hands and feet int he last couple of like to stick your legs in the air and grab your toes. You also like to just stare at your fascinating they must be! You are also scootching around in your will lift your legs and then thump them hard on the mattress. I will hear you rustling around and when I check on you, you are in a completely opposite direction from where I put you.

You are sometimes sleeping through the night, but most of the time you don't. It's OK, though, for some reason, I don't feel as sleep deprived and I don't mind. I think you might be hitting a growth spurt because you woke up every two hours to eat last night and you drank FIVE bottles at Angela's (the norm is four) AND ate again when I came home. That reminds me of one of my most favorite times with you...when I am feeding you, and you stop to look at me and grin, with little drops of milk spilling from your mouth. Sometimes I have to purposely look away because you are smiling too much to eat...silly girl!!

You are such a sweetie and such a joy in my life! You really hardly ever cry unless you are hungry or overly tired, most of the time, you just smile at me all day long!

I love you so much!! Your brothers and Daddy are also very enamored of you...especially Ryan...he loves to kiss and hug you all the time. It is only going to get neater as you grow and become more mobile. You are one lucky girl, are surrounded by love!!

Love always,
