Friday, January 30, 2009

Music continued

Here's another song that I like...
David Cook-Innocent (Our Lady Peace sings the original version, which I like, too)
I really like the words at 1:13 to 1:31
"And that she'd never heard of cancer
She wishes God would give her some answers
And make her feel beautiful
I remember feeling low
I remember losing hope
I remember all the feelings and the day they stopped"

Kutless-Better is One Day (Live)
I like from 2:20 to the end. I love the words of the chorus:
"Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere"
I also like his voice, the instrumental part after the chorus, and then the way he sings "holy, holy" from another song...this is one of my favorites!!

Oh my--I don't think Carly likes my taste in music...this is the second time I have tried this, and the SECOND time she has had a major blowout whilst I write about music...LOL...more later!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I love, love, love music. I don't care what type it is...rock, Christian, classical, country...whatever. If I find a song that I REALLY like, I can listen to it over and over agin for what seems like hours. There is always one certain part of every song that is my favorite. Whether it be a certain chord or a phrase or the way the singers voice sounds...I don't know what it is but something about that "certain" part is magical and speaks to my heart.

Here are some songs that have that je nai se quois:

Bach--Cello Suites No.1 BWV.1007 I.Prelude
I really like the first 30 seconds:

Matchbox 20
Listen to the song from at around 4:33, I reaaaaaaaalllly like the way his voice catches. Mmmm, mmmm, good...LOL

I LOVE the voice of the lead singer of Staind (Aaron Lewis). The inflection and changes in his voice are pretty (to me). Listen to 0:39-0:41 and 1:28 to 1:57 (esp 1:48).

There are so, so many more songs that speak to me, but I have a dirty diaper to change that has exploded all over this sweet little baby, so I must end for now...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Carly's Month "Birthday" Pics

As I have written before, I always take pictures on the kids "month" birthdays, sitting in the same chair/couch. I have done it since Austin was three months old, and I have continued to do so for each child. It is so neat to see how much they grow month to month, especially since I do not notice on a daily basis!

Carly--One Month Old
Carly--Two Months Old

Carly--Three Months Old

Carly--Four Months Old
I really think there has been a big change in the last month, what do you think??!!

January pics...

Four Months Already?? (Letter to Carly)

My dearest Carly,

I cannot believe that it has been exactly four months since you arrived! What a delightful four months it has been, and I am looking forward to discovering what the future holds for you (and us)! You are getting to be such a big girl now...I don't have a weight/length on you just yet, but I will update after your four month check-up with Dr Coco next Friday. But I can tell you have grown so hold your head up like a pro now! And you can sit up for a little bit on your own!! (Granted, you are slouching when you do it, but still!!! Look at the pics from today and you will see!!)

You "talk" to us all the time, but is that really a surprise, you are my daughter, after all! You also rolled over for the first time last week...I think it was Thursday were on my bed, and *whoosh* you turned from your back to your tummy. Now you haven't done it since, but I saw it with my own eyes, so I know you can! You also discovered your hands and feet int he last couple of like to stick your legs in the air and grab your toes. You also like to just stare at your fascinating they must be! You are also scootching around in your will lift your legs and then thump them hard on the mattress. I will hear you rustling around and when I check on you, you are in a completely opposite direction from where I put you.

You are sometimes sleeping through the night, but most of the time you don't. It's OK, though, for some reason, I don't feel as sleep deprived and I don't mind. I think you might be hitting a growth spurt because you woke up every two hours to eat last night and you drank FIVE bottles at Angela's (the norm is four) AND ate again when I came home. That reminds me of one of my most favorite times with you...when I am feeding you, and you stop to look at me and grin, with little drops of milk spilling from your mouth. Sometimes I have to purposely look away because you are smiling too much to eat...silly girl!!

You are such a sweetie and such a joy in my life! You really hardly ever cry unless you are hungry or overly tired, most of the time, you just smile at me all day long!

I love you so much!! Your brothers and Daddy are also very enamored of you...especially Ryan...he loves to kiss and hug you all the time. It is only going to get neater as you grow and become more mobile. You are one lucky girl, are surrounded by love!!

Love always,


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just call me Grace

So yesterday, I had a lovely experience. I was with a patient in Radiology (never been there before, hope to never go back...), when she complained of not feeling well. She said she felt faint and that she was going to throw up. Since the anesthesiologist had gone to get lunch, I was pretty much the only one not scrubbed in who was close enough to help her. I tried to hurry over to her, but misjudged stepping over the plethora of wires that were, oh, about knee high. Yes, folks...I bit it. I tripped over the wires and started to fall, but had the presence of mind to turn my body so that I fell flat on my big ol' behind. IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. You should have seen the look on the scrub tech's face. All I could see were her eyes above her mask, and they were as wide as saucers. I thought I was going to die right then and there. At least they were all sweet about it and didn't laugh. To add insult to injury, I had to take a urine test to make sure I didn't have drugs in my system at the time of the accident. Nope, just vitamins, which the Nursing Supervisor told me she could smell in my pee. Really?? Don't you think I'm embarrassed enough?? Seriously. Once again, I could have died right then and there.

Oh well...embarrassing at the moment, funny today. Too bad my butt cheek hurts now.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Carly's Three Month Pics...

I took Carly to get her three month pictures taken today! I alwys go to Kiddie Kandids for all my pictures, and they usually turn out great!! Carly did soooooo well. She smiled in all her shots and it didn't take very long at all! The only hard part was deciding which ones to delete to get my six shots. So here they are...enjoy my sweet princess!!

This last one is my favorite! She has such a sweet little "smirk" on her face.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ryan and Carly Part Two

I was reading my MySpace blog, when I ran across this old blog. Pay particular attention to the bolded part down towards the bottom:

"Friday, April 04, 2008
I went for an ultrasound the other check the "transnuchal fold" for Down's Syndrome, because, you know, I am sooooo old. Anyway, that particular scan is anywhere from 11 weeks to 13 weeks & 6 days. The trick is to schedule the appt at the latest possible date so you might be able to find out the gender. (Apparently some people on a babyblog website that I belong to are vehemently opposed to the idea that, oh-my-gosh, you might be able to find out earlier than 20 weeks, and have let their feelings be known.)
Anyway, I went on April 1st when I was 13 weeks & 5 days. The baby actually measured 14 weeks exactly, and the paperwork from the MD office said that gender could be determined from 14 weeks on...I figure at that point I am golden!! The neck-folds measured Down's for my baby!
MD: Three boys, huh? I can't tell you 100% what the gender is...blah, blah, blah. Do you want to know what I think?
Me: Oh, yeah!
MD: I see girl parts.
Me: Are you April Fooling me????
MD: No, now you have someone to go shopping with. And someone to buy a purse for. (What??? He's a little weird.) I had a smile on my face that no one could wipe off! He printed some pics of her to give me. A couple of profile shots...
I think she might look like Ryan, which means another baby that DOES NOT look like me. Oh well.
At one point she had her tongue sticking out. He said she was "licking the placenta." Oh gross, stop that baby. That's disgusting, considering I deal with placentas on a regular basis at my work....ICK! She'll fit in perfectly with the boys!"

Did I call it or what????

My Own Personal Water World

Remember the movie Water World?? The box-office flop with Kevin Costner?? A movie about a floating "city" atop the water?? That's how my life is...a little city floating atop water, water, and more water.

You see, water is HIGHLY attracted to me. Wherever I go, there's some form of water waiting in the background for the perfect opportunity to jump out and cause much grief. I must have peed in the pool one too many times as a child, and now it is coming back to bite me in the behind. How else can you explain the bad karma I have with water???

Case in point...the first year Steve and I were married, we had a flood on Christmas Day. The hot water pipe in our tiny apartment burst, and sent steaming water spewing forth on to the floors, walls, and in to our downstairs neighbors apartment. Much drama ensued when the maintenance man was a jerk and wouldn't come help phone call to the fire department solved all that.

Case against water #2--The very week we moved in to our house a suspiciously cloggy toilet caused the washing machine to spew forth water on to our Pergo flooring in the kitchen and all through the master bedroom, master bathroom and master closet. Much drama ensued as my dear old Dad came to help turn off the water and I realized just how much damage there was. Bye-bye to the beautiful Pergo flooring.

Water drama #3--About, oh, six months after the Great Flood of 2006 (see above), we had yet ANOTHER flood, thanks in part to my lovely sons. I blogged about it on another site:

"Lightening DOES strike twice...
Wow...remember the flood I had a while back??? Had one again today. Yes, again. And yes, the Pergo flooring had to go, again. Ryan and I were taking a nap (I am just coming off my third night shift in a row), when Landon comes to my room crying that "Austin peed all over my bathroom." I just figured that Austin had bad aim and told Landon to chill. Next thing I know, Landon is screaming and crying. I jumped up and lo and behold, the hall bathroom was flooded. Seems that Austin had a touch of diarrhea and used a massive amount of toilet paper to wipe. So when he flushed, it over flowed. TWO hours later, when Landon went in, the floor was all wet. My ever so helpful four year old took it upon himself to flush the toilet again, and created an even bigger mess for me to clean. It took every towel I own to clean up the floor, and my Dad came over to help me pull up the Pergo. It was the nastiest thing ever, since there was little pieces of semi-formed poop floating in the brownish water. YUK...I'm having ceramic tile installed next week.
Am I home free, or will lightening strike an unprecedented third time????"
What did I ever do to water to deserve this?? Case #4:
Yep folks, lightening does strike a third time...On Christmas Eve, I was at home, making fudge, when I heard what can only be described as a hissing sound coming from our NEWLY BUILT playroom. Yes, the very same playroom in which I JUST finished installing flooring....yeah, that playroom. Anyway, it took me a couple of seconds to realize that water was spewing forth from the hot water heater. And not just a little bit of water. After many phone calls and much crying and moaning on my part, the water was turned off, the electricity cut off (I was told it would have started a fire in about 30 minutes or so), and the old hot water heater was hauled away. Thank you , Jesus, that my friend's husband was a plumber in a previous life and he installed our brand spanking new hot water heater that afternoon. Merry Christmas to us.
So you can see why I think, no wait, make that KNOW, water hates me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Incredible Laughing Baby!!

I didn't realize that the light quality was sooooo looks great on my camera, but I do not know how to fix it on the computer...any suggestions???

Happy New Year!!

Here are some pictures to highlight 2008!! What a year for my much has changed from this time last year!!

January 2008
After Ryan's first haircut!! Landon being silly!!Our Surprise!!!

February 2008

Ryan loves Peanut Butter! Landon, silly again!

March 2008

Snow Day!!
Easter Egg hunting!

April 2008


At the zoo

May 2008

Four months pregnant...It's a GIRL!!!

We picked a name!! Carly!!

Landon graduates from Pre-K! Ryan

June 2008

Five months pregnant!

Ryan's annual birthday bath!!
Ryan is enthralled with the candle!
The boys on Ryan's SECOND birthday!

Six months pregnant!

July 2008

Playing outside!! underwear as usual!

August 2008

Seven months pregnant!

Landon's FIRST day of Kindergarten
The boys!
My 35th Birthday!! And Eight months pregnant!!

September 2008

Gotta love that smile!

Nine months pregnant!

The morning of Carly's birth!

Belly Cast I made of my belly when I was 37+3 days pregnant

Right after Carly was born...boy, did I ever look rough!!

Miss Carly Alexandra...weighing in at 7lbs, 5oz

October 2008

Carly lying in my belly cast! Landon, Carly & Ryan!

November 2008

First smiles!Landon's SIXTH birthday!Ryan and Carly

December 2008

Lookin' cute!!Carly in her Christmas dress!!Christmas at Granny'sLandon opening gifts at Granny'sAustin opening gifts at my mom's house!

Don't know why the date says 12/24...this was Christmas morning!

I wonder what 2009 has in store for us???!!