Friday, May 8, 2009

The Princess Rolls....

Carly FINALLY rolled over from her tummy to her back tonight! And it only took her 7 1/2 months to get to this point...LOL! She has been rolling from her back to her tummy for a couple of weeks now, only to get "stuck" on her tummy. Oh how she does NOT like that. Makes her scream and cry. (Makes Mommy cry when it's in the middle of the night)

Anyway--tonight she was on her tummy playing, and when I turned back around, she was on her back. I wondered if one of the boys was messing with her, but, nope, Carly did it herself!! She spent the rest of the evening rolling over and over and over...she ended up across the room from all her rolling!!

So she can now officially roll however, whenever and wherever she wants!! I guess the Princess decided it was time to grace us mere peons with a new trick...such entertainment!