Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Carly: Eight Months Old

Dear Carls,

Saturday you turned eight months old. Wow--how time does fly!! You are getting to be such a big girl as far as development, but you are still my tiny little munchin. Everywhere we go, people are amazed that you are "sitting up so well" and the you "are so alert." Yeah people, she can do all that and more... You are still so little that I guess people think you are much younger than eight months old, either that or they are idiots who have no clue about developmental milestones and the fact that eight month old babies *gasp* can be small! Your "unofficial" weight (meaning mommy steps on the scale with you and then without you) is 16 lbs. So I guess that is pretty small. I am used to your gargantuan brothers who were 20lbs each at 6 months of age. But, hey, you're a girl...it's OK to be petite!

You are still a breastfed baby. As far as I know, you don't have any immedicate plans for stopping...LOL. And you still only drink about 10-12 oz while I am at work. (And, shhhh...don't tell anyone, but I don't think your daddy really knows how to give you a bottle, because yesterday you only drank FOUR WHOLE OUNCES the entire 12.5 hours I was gone.) You do love your baby food...it doesn't matter what I feed you, you will gladly open your mouth for more. Peas??? Sure, mama. Peas AND sweet potatoes mashed together? Why not? You also love your puffies and your little banana cookies. I bought you one of those meshie things with a handle and put a banana in it, you loved it! I feed you baby food three times a day now, maybe that'll pack the weight on!

You got a new tooth, that makes two ont he bottom! You sit very well, and can go from sititng ot your tummy in no time flat! You roll over like a champ, too. You get on your hands and knnes and rock back and forth. I think you will crawl in a matter of days. But the funny thing is, I will put you down on the floor with your bucket o' toys, and look up to see that you are half way across the room reaching for paper, or kleenex or some Klingon warrier that your brothers have left on the floor. And you will still be sitting! It's like you just scoot around on your tushie until you get where you want.

Stranger anxiety has kicked in full force. You used to be so good when I dropped you off at church...now you cry almost the whole time. Poor baby, but mommy always comes back!

You are still not a good sleeper. But I tell myself that you are only little once, and this, too, shall pass. But after eight months of interrupted sleep, I feel like I am WELL overdue for some quality shut eye. There have been a couple of nights that you have only woken up once, but the norm is every 3-4 hours or so, you will wake up and want to eat. Maybe you are making up for the day, I don't know.

Other new stuff: you sorta wave to people, sometimes you say "hey" (or at least I think so!!) and you can clap...it's pretty darn cute!

Anyway--until next month, my dear!

Love you very, very much,