Sunday, May 31, 2009

And Carly says, "Ta-Da!!"

As I sit here and watch Carly play for what seems like hours on end (in reality, it's been maybe 15 minutes), I have come to a realization....I spend way too much on toys...LOL. She would prefer to play with a wipees box than anything else!

Carly had a couple of big "firsts" this weekend. She ate her first honest-to-goodness real people food! She ate a cereal bar that I cut up in to oh-so-teeny tiny pieces. And she loved it! She also has started to "talk". Before, it was always screeching, but now, she says "Nunununu." Aren't you proud?? LOL.

But the main big girl accomplishment is this: Carly can go from her tummy to sitting up (ta-da)!! We were so excited that we clapped and hip-hip-hoorayed for her. She had the biggest grin on her face, as if to say "you like me, you really do"!! She started doing it Friday night, so I know that crawling is not far behind. My baby is getting so big!! And I LOVE it!