Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Letter to Carly--Month Three

Dear Carly,

Yes, once again, I am late in posting this. I started back to work on December 16, so I have been pretty darn busy lately.

You are such a joy in our lives!! You smile ALL the have "coo" conversations with me daily...and you love to chuckle out loud. Angela says you are a doll when she watches you. You drink from a bottle for her, but, boy-oh-boy, when I come home from work, you want to snuggle, cuddle, eat for hours it seems!

I unofficially measured you the other day. You are about 23 inches long and weigh about 13 pounds. I put all all the newborn clothes (sniff) and you now wear 3-6 month sizes! I really wonder if you are going to get to wear all the clothes that you seems your closet is jam packed with the cutest outfits ever!

You had your first Christmas!! Not that you really cared! You got some neat toys and cute outfits...about what you'd expect for a baby to get for Christmas. The only downer was that you had a still do, as a matter of fact, but it is getting better. Your nose is not as stuffy as before. Poor hate your "nose gobblin" and I hate having to suck out your snot...because no matter how much I get out, twenty seconds later, you are stuffy again. Poor thing.

You used to sleep through the night, and I say USED to because lately, you have been getting up at least once a night. I think it is your stuffiness making you wake up...and then when I suck out the boogies, you want to eat. It is getting a little old on the days I work, but it's're going to be my little Princess for only a little while. I enjoy spending time with you so much more now that I have to leave you three days a week, so getting up in the middle of the night to hold you really doesn't bother me. This too shall pass...

You are getting so strong. You keep pulling your head up when you are sitting in your car seat. The other day, I put you in your little swing because I was trying to get dinner ready. I looked down and you had pulled yourself to the bar and were hanging over the edge. Whoa, baby! At least it is close to the floor, but now I know I need to make sure to buckle you in each and every time! You really don't spend too much time in your swing anymore. And you don't seem to like the bouncy. You want to be sitting up, taking in all the action around you. And you really like to be carried upright, on my shoulder. Sometimes, you will even fall asleep that way!

You really only cry when you are hungry...or sleepy. And if you do start to cry, I can always calm you right down. What a difference from a couple of your brothers, who shall remain nameless...LOL.

I love you Sweetie-pie! You are my little's fun watching you grow up!!
Love lots
