Friday, December 12, 2008

The blog world has suffered a loss...

Why is it that I get all my great writing ideas at night, when I am comfy cozy in bed?? I mean come on, when faced with the choice of getting out into the cold, cold night to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard...LOL) or stay nice and warm in my little "nest" (imagine lots of pillows and a fluffy blanket!), of course I'm going to choose to stay put. I tell myself that I will remember it in the morning...and then I never do! I might remember some bits and pieces of it, but I never remember the really good stuff.

I had a fabulously sarcastic and witty blog all thought out the other night...I even edited it in my head to make it even more hilariously fantabulous, but, alas, I awoke the next morning and it was gone...POOF! Suffice it to say, the blog world has suffered a great loss in that it will never get to see that thigh-slappingly funny blog.

Maybe I need to get one of those little recorder things like I see on TV..."milk, eggs, butter" know the one I am talking about. But, then again, I might have a hard time explaining to Steve why I am dying laughing at 3 o'clock in the morning!


Anonymous said...

While your getting a recorder, you could also order clap on, clap off thing too:)