Sunday, December 7, 2008

Of this and that...

Wow--I have been soooo absolutely busy over the last week. I have been trying to jam pack all sorts of stuff into my last couple of weeks off work. I start back a week from Tuesday, and while I am looking forward to being with my work "peeps," I am feeling this incredible sadness at leaving Carly. This is the youngest I have ever had to leave a baby--I know she is too young to remember that I am away from her, but I feel like her soul will know. I know that sounds crazy. I am also freaking out because she refuses to take a bottle. Angela was able to get her to take a little bit the other day, but I worry about how she will eat when I am away from her for over 12 hours at a time. I bought her a bottle shaped like a breast yesterday, but she hates it too. Uggghhh... She has been awfully clingy lately, like she knows something is up. I will miss our naps and just holding my sweet baby girl all day, without a care in the world. I will miss picking up Landon from school every's our special time. I will miss hanging out with Ryan on his days "off"...just me and him and his "cute baby Cahdy."

I am trying to finish the room in the garage...without any help. So as you can imagine, it is slow going. All that's left is to finish texturizing the ceiling, paint, and install carpets. Oh, and install some closet doors, but that is going to take some finagling b/c the area is very wide.

I bought a "Miracle Blanket" for Carly yesterday, and, boy, let me tell you, it lives up to its name. It truly is a miracle, because my sweet angel slept for almost NINE hours last night!! Of course, I was hurting very bad (the girls...hehe) and a hilarious encounter with the pump ensued at around 6:00 this morning. That my friends, is a post for another day...but lets just say it involved some leaking, spraying and changing clothes.

Well--Carly is ten weeks old now, and I will have to post some of her pictures from this past week when I have the time.