Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Let me tell you a little back story, as it will make my success seem even sweeter!

It all started when Landon was a little baby, he had numerous, numerous ear infections. He would wake up every hour crying, so to preserve what little sanity I had, I let him sleep in my bed. This trend continued until he was three years old and Ryan was born. Move one out, move another in...Ryan started to sleep in my bed because it really was easier to feed him in the middle of the night with him so close.

Fast forward two years, for the past several months, we have had Ryan still in our bed and Landon sleeping in a toddler bed in our room. Landon was "scared" of his room and, with a new baby waking me up all the time, I needed sleep, so I let them continue on so I could get snatches of glorious sleep here and there without having to deal with the crying and whining.

So last week, Steve took Landon's mattress off the bed during a tornado warning and never put his bed back together. Saturday night, Landon feel asleep on the mattress on the floor while watching TV. I left him there. And I put the kicking and screaming Ryan in the toddler bed. I was NOT going to give in that night. And guess what?? It worked!!! Ryan slept all night in his bed and Landon slept all night in his own room!!

And now, three days later, the trend continues!!!! Woo hoo!! (Except now Carly is in my bed because that's the only way I can get some sleep....move one out, move another in....LOL)