Monday, February 23, 2009

Letter to Carly--Month Five

Dear Carly,

You turned five months old today!! What a big girl you are! I did an "unofficial" weight...yeah, it entails Mommy standing on the scale with you and then without weigh about 15 pounds now! You are soooo much fun! You love to smile, will usually grace us with a small chuckle here and there, and you LOVE to "talk." The other day, you started screeching at us while you is very cute!

You hardly ever cry, unless you are very, very tired and need help getting to sleep. Or when you have a dirty diaper...I sense an obsession with cleanliness in my future...LOL. You are still only breastfed, and, boy, do I hate to pump. The other day, I was holding you while pumping, and you starting mashing the "increase" button with your fist...I thought my pump was malfunctioning, but, was you!!

You haven't turned over since the first time. ( turned for Daddy 2/25) You love your are too cute when you bounce in it. Only one of your feet will touch, and it is really only a couple of your toes, but you still manage to jump, jump, jump away!! You also still love your bouncy, and are also perfectly happy to lie on the floor and play. Your swing is now only used for when you wake up in the morning and we still want to sleep (or are getting ready for work), as you are up and at 'em between 6:00am and 6:45am every morning...even on my days off...*sigh*

You are now in love with your hands and feet. You stare hard at your hands and turn them around while watching in awe. You love to touch your toes, and have even sucked on them a couple of times...silly girl!! You are at the point where you can look at a toy, reach out and purposefully (is that even a word???), grab at it! You can also scoot around. If I put you down on the floor, at some point you end up in the opposite direction!

Well, I moved your crib in your own room, but now you sleep in my is just so much easier to feed you at night and to get some MUCH NEEDED sleep. I will move you to your room in the next month or so...we'll see...

I love you so much, my sweet Princess. You and your brothers make my life complete and are my world!!

Love, hugs and kisses,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Post partum depression?

I don't know...all I know if that I feel like I am barely holding on. I get so mad at the littlest things...I feel like I am evil mom most of the time. Maybe it is just being so bone weary tired with no end in sight...

Anyway, as we have already established in previous posts, music is very important to me...I use certain songs to verbalize what I feel and to help me "get over it" so to speak.

So this song pretty much sums up what I am feeling right now...

Now this song talks about being broken hearted in a "love" sense, but sometimes I feel broken hearted about other things in my life...know what I mean? So I am not having problems with Steve or anything...I just can't explain why I feel "broken hearted."

Interesting note, Lifehouse does not classify themselves as a "Christian" band, but they do profess to be Christians and theie songs do have Christian themes if you look. The lyrics to this song say:

I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In Your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm barely holdin' on to you

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Let me tell you a little back story, as it will make my success seem even sweeter!

It all started when Landon was a little baby, he had numerous, numerous ear infections. He would wake up every hour crying, so to preserve what little sanity I had, I let him sleep in my bed. This trend continued until he was three years old and Ryan was born. Move one out, move another in...Ryan started to sleep in my bed because it really was easier to feed him in the middle of the night with him so close.

Fast forward two years, for the past several months, we have had Ryan still in our bed and Landon sleeping in a toddler bed in our room. Landon was "scared" of his room and, with a new baby waking me up all the time, I needed sleep, so I let them continue on so I could get snatches of glorious sleep here and there without having to deal with the crying and whining.

So last week, Steve took Landon's mattress off the bed during a tornado warning and never put his bed back together. Saturday night, Landon feel asleep on the mattress on the floor while watching TV. I left him there. And I put the kicking and screaming Ryan in the toddler bed. I was NOT going to give in that night. And guess what?? It worked!!! Ryan slept all night in his bed and Landon slept all night in his own room!!

And now, three days later, the trend continues!!!! Woo hoo!! (Except now Carly is in my bed because that's the only way I can get some sleep....move one out, move another in....LOL)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Carly loves her feet...

She loves them sooooo much, she fell asleep while holding them...and like a good Mommy, I grabbed the camera! She is too silly!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Survey of Songs

I filled out a survey one time about songs and are the results:

When you are lonely..."Elsewhere" by Sarah McLachlan
I listened to this song a lot when I was going through a rough patch in my life. The music and lyrics remind me of that time, so, even though this used to be one of my favorite songs, I cannot listen to it anymore without being emotionally transported back to then.

When you are happy..."Bizarre Love Triangle" by New Order
I used to listen to this song in high school, and even though I hated HS, this song still makes me happy!

When you are in a clubbing mood: "Silence" by Sarah McLachlan & Delirium
This type of music is GREAT for dancing at a club!!

When you are bouncy..."Keep it Coming Love" by KC & the Sunshine Band
Need I say more????

When you are depressed..."Home" by Staind
Again, I used to listen to this song a lot when I was going through the same hard time. This song is haunting in a very depressing way.

When you feel pretty..."Like the Way I Do" by Melissa Etheridge
I can't explain why this song makes me feel pretty, esp since it's about cheating, but it does...LOL

When you are in love..."Blessed" by Martina McBride
This song reminds me of my family, whom I love very much, and how blessed I am each day!! I have to laugh b/c I asked Steve what song reminded him of being in love and he chose some song by Georgio--I listened to it and the first few words were "I wanna do it to you like you want it"...WHATEVER...that is NOT a love song...LOL

When you are mad..."Forfeit" by Chevelle
This song makes me want to fight. Just listen to the chrous at 0:41 seconds and you'll understand why...LOL

When you get your heart broken..."When You Were Mine" by Dixie Chick
No explanation needed...the words say it all.


"Hang" by Matchbox20
(It's on my playlist)

When you are driving around..."How Do I Deal " by Jennifer Love Hewitt
I always listen to this song and sing it LOUD when we are on road trips--it's cheesy, but I love it!!