Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Tiles and grout and caulk, oh my"

Yes folks, I am officially crazy. As if I do not have enough going on in my life, I decided that it would be a good time to install a tile backsplash in my kitchen. And as my husband is not a handy-man by nature, it fell on little old me to get the job done...what's that saying? If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. Yeah, that just about sums up my role in this house. But I digress....
So last week, I planned, shopped, and mapped out my design for the backsplash. Then I mortared, cutted (hehe, I know that is not proper, but it goes so well with the other words that I used), layed tile, and grouted until my fingers bled...literally. The floater that I bought did not do the job, so I had to resort to grouting with my fingers. And let me tell you, that grout did a serious number on my poor little digits. As a matter of fact, it is almost a week to the day that I finished and I STILL have scabs on my least they are not still sore. Imagine trying to change a diaper with raw, painful sores.

Anyway--I am very proud of my handiwork...enjoy the pics!!



Anonymous said...

I am so impressed...want to come do mine? Hee Hee....your blog looks great and I am so glad you started one!