Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Four weeks with Carly...

Carly turned four weeks old today...it seems like such a short time ago that she was born, yet it also seems like she has been a part of our lives forever. I cannot even remember life without Carly. Funny how one 8 lb person can change your life in ways that you never even dreamed possible. I felt this way with the birth of each of my kids...and yet it still amazes me that it's a new and wonderous journey each time.

She fits in perfectly in our family...the boys love her. Ryan cannot get enough of her, always wanting to "hold baby Cahdy." He smothers her in kisses and hugs evvery chance he gets. If he is this way with her now, I can only imagine how he will react when she can smile and laugh at him. Landon was very excited to have a sister...at first. He still says that she is cute, and tells his classmates all about her. Yet when he is with her, it is as if she doesn't exist. Unless, of course, someone else is paying her any attention. Then he is all about Carly.

Funny how I would have thought that Landon would be the smotherer and Ryan would be the ignorer.