Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wake up call...

Ever looked at a picture of yourself and thought "there's no way that's what I REALLY look like???" I had the unpleasant shock of seeing a recent photo of myself today. Holy I look like that?? I realize that my 35 year old, 5 weeks postpartum self is NOT the picture of beauty (haha) that I was even seven years ago, but come on--did I really change THAT much??

I have decided that I am going to get my haircut soon...and go on a diet when possible...and start working out once I am cleared by my doctor. Or how about I cut myself some slack and love me for myself and my accomplishments?? In the past seven years, not only have I gotten older (duh!!) and gained a certain amount of weight that I won't share (OK--50 pounds), but I have also given birth to three more beautiful children and have realized a life-long goal (graduated college with a 4.0 AND as a nurse!). So I need to not be so hard on myself...who cares if I am not Miss Texas 2008 beauty queen?? I am Leslie, hear me roar...LOL.

Here's me Christmas 2001--this is the only picture of me from "back then" that I have on my computer:
Here's me last Saturday...that would be almost 7 years later...BTW--this is not the picture that caused me so much distress...that one will not see the light of day if I have any say so:


The Charton's said...

I didn't know you had a blog!! I am so excited to see pictures of your sweet girl and your kitchen. Yes, you are crazy!!! Enjoy your time off=)