Monday, December 28, 2009

Fifteen Months Already???

Dear Carly,

You recently turned 15 whole months old!! You are getting to be an old woman...LOL!!

You are still only weigh about 18lbs, and I would say that you are maybe 27-28inches tall or so. You wear 12 month clothes. I tried something that was 18months on you the other day and it just swallowed you up! Every time someone sees you walking around, they always ask how old you are because you look so small, but you just walk perfectly, and pretty much run! It looks so darn cute when you walk around!

You still nurse, but only at night...I am planning on weaning you completely for the new year. You love to eat mandarin oranges, waffles, cereal bars, and, of course, because you are my daughter, you love chocolate!

You sleep through the night now! Woo hoo!! I would say that you really don't wake up at all once you go to bed! You only take one nap a day, but it is about 2-2 1/2 hours or so!

Here are a couple of your "new" tricks...we have a string on the light in the boys bathroom so Ryan can reach. Well, you can now reach it and you LOVE, love, love to "sneak" attack and turn the light off when someone is in the bathroom! You also have very recently started to lie down when I tell you it's time to change your diaper! Such a smart girl! (I have to say that you are pretty mellow when it comes to diaper lie there nicely, and don't try to squirm and wiggle like most toddlers do.) The other day, you were whining about something and when I followed you, you ran in the kitchen and opened the pantry, and it seemed like you said "these" as you pointed to the crackers!! Other than that, you really don't say any words.

You had your second Thanksgiving...lots of relatives came to our house to eat. And we have a new dog, Suzie. You go up to her and open your mouth wide and let her lick your mouth...GROSS!! But you love it and you laugh and laugh when she does it. Well...we are looking forward to your second Christmas and all the gifts you will get!!

I love you very, very much, little Princess

Love, Mommy