Monday, November 30, 2009

Fourteen Months Old!! seems like I only write when it's Carly's "month birthday"...I am too busy!

Dearest Carly,

You are now fourteen months old!! You are such a ham, you crack me up all the time!!

I put you on the scale the other day and you weighed 19 1/2're moving on up!!

You do not say any words, but you sure do babble! You like to "talk" on the phone...wish I knew what you were saying! You call out "Ai-ya" when you are calling for Susie (the dog) or your YOU know what you are saying!

You love to cuddle all the time and are such a sweetie!

We went to the neighbors house the other day and you started crawl/walking up the stairs...I didn't know you knew how to do that??!!

You still nurse once at night, but I think that is going to the wayside. You are able to go to sleep on your own (and have slept through the night the last week!!), so I think our days of nursing are coming to a close. Makes me a little are growing up too fast...

You and your brothers were baptized at the beginning of November. You did so well, and before the service, you were walking all around, looking so cute, and getting oohs and aahs from the crowd.

You like to play with your toys, but you like to play with mine even more!! You always get into my bathroom drawers and pull out all my hair stuff...I can't child proof enough!

We had everyone over for Thanksgiving, and you sure did enjoy your ate turkey, corn, green bean casserole and even some pumpkin pie! You are such a sweets girl and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE brownies!!

Nothing else is really new...just same old, same old.

I love you so much, cuddle bug!!
