Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy TEN months, Carly!!

Dear Carly,

Today you are TEN months old!! That's only two months away from being ONE!!! I cannot believe how fast this first year is flying...I am loving that you are getting so big and doing so many news things!

You now have five teeth! You got your top two within a couple of days of each other earlier when you just turned nine months old, and you got your right lateral (tooth next to the front tooth) yesterday!!

You crawl ALL over the house. There is not a room that you cannot crawl that you can navigate up and down the step in the living room! You can also pull to standing on anything and everything...the window curtain, the fireplace, me, toys...anything, LOL. You also stood all on your own the other day. You were standing, holding on to me, and then you let go. You were upright for a few seconds and then you lowered yourself back down to sitting!

You "talk" a lot...mostly screaming when you want attention. You follow me around the house screaming at's annoying at times, but also cute!

You still nurse, but now you are eating all sorts of food. I guess you thought you were too big for baby food, because once I started feeding you "big people" food, you started eating a lot!! You love fruit (cherries and oranges are your favorite), noodles, and rolls! Angela says that when she makes noodles, you scream at her until she gives you some and then you eat, eat, eat! We went to Golden Corral last night, and I'm telling you, you ate more/better than your brothers!!

Yesterday someone waved to you and you put your hand up like you were waving baby!!

You got some boo-boos this month, all in the same day. You were crawling on the tile, when you got caught up in your dress, and you fell on your face. Bruise number one on your right cheek. Then as I was taking you out of your high chair, I scraped your thigh on the tray. Bruise number two on your right thigh. Then, to add insult to injury, you fell against the metal frame on my bed. Bruise number three across the bridge of your nose and left eye. You looked so pitiful, my poor baby, with all those bruises.

You love to play with your brothers. You follow them around, saying "eh, eh, eh" while they play. I guess the "eh, eh, eh" is to get attention. You also love to stand at the tub while they take a bath! Landon has gotten in to the bad habit of picking you up and carrying you all around the house. I am trying to teach you a little independence, so I let you cry a little on the floor before I get you. Landon will always pick you up and hand you to me, saying, "Here's Mama, don't cry." He's like another little mother to you.

Oh, and Carly, now you bite...and it HURTS. When I tell you "NO" very sternly, your little face crinkles up into a pout and then you start to cry, like I hurt your feelings. But you gotta learn!

That's all I can think of right now...will post pics later!

I love you sooooo much, silly bear!!