Monday, August 24, 2009

Almost a Year!! You're Eleven Months Old Now!!!

My dear, dear Carly-bug:

In one month you will be ONE!! I cannot believe how long you have already been on this earth, delighting me with your silly antics and melting my heart with your sweet, innocent baby love!

Let's see:
Eating--You still nurse. We're down to about four times a day, but I am wondering if you will ever stop?! You LOVE to eat big people food. There is nothing that you won't eat, or at least try. You seem to gravitate towards the fruits and breads before you eat anything else. And you love to drink from your sippy cup. So far, you will only drink ice water from it. I have tried formula and just today whole milk, but you will take one sip and then shake your head "no" as you throw the cup. You are making your preferences known.

You also make your wishes known VERY loudly and precise. You throw all sorts of screaming fits when we take something away from you. Or in the case of ice cream, fail to give you something you want SO BADLY.

You stood up today on your very own from sitting without holding on to anything! You were in the middle of the room without anything around and Landon said, "look mama" very excitedly and you were standing all on your own!! That means you will be walking soon!!! And I am ready!

You "talk" to us quite a bit, but no real words yet. You say mama and dada indiscriminately, but I'm sure you don't know what it means. I know you know NO. You shake your little head when you don't want something...tht's very obvious.

You sleep pretty well at night now, not really getting up but maybe once or so. I have started rocking you and putting you in your crib. You will sleep for 2-4 hours before you wake up screaming. So I will get you and bring you into my room, and then you'll sleep the rest of the night!

You still smile your cheesy grin when you see hte light from the camera. Silly, silly girl!

You busted your lip this morning...I don't know what you fell on, but you creamed and cried and couldn't be comforted with being held. When I looked down at my shirt, there was blood all over it, so you busted it good. I let you suck cool water from a washcloth and you were fine. It had a blood blister, but it popped at some point in the morning, and now you just look like you've had silicone implants on one part of your upper lip. Poor baby. I know it is the first of many, many more owies and boo boos.

You wave, give high-fives, play peek-a-boo, and play patty cake. You also pat me on my arm when I am holding crack me up.

Your brothers bug you all the time. Ryan sits on you, crawls on you, pushes you and is just a big bully to you. One day you will have enough and tear into him. I look forward to it ...LOL. Landon thinks he is your appointed cry stopper...whenever you cry, he always brings you to me. And just plops you in my lap.

I can't think of anything else right now except that it is a joy and honor to be your mommy. You bring me happiness every day!

Until next month, my sweet baby girl,
I love you

Friday, August 14, 2009

More Carly Updates....'s been a while since I've been on...due in large part to my computer crashing. Such drama, but the good news is, I didn't lose much. And no pictures or videos where harmed in the crashing of the 'puter.

Anyway--here's what's new in the world of Princess Carly.

She stands!! She can stand all by herself for long periods of time, well really only about 20 seconds or so, but who's counting. And boy, let me tell you, she pulls herself to standing ALL the time!

She waves bye-bye...just started doing it two days ago. She also high-fives, peek-a-boos and claps!!

She also got her FIFTH tooth 8/12. It's her left lateral!!

Will post more later!!