Friday, June 26, 2009

Has it really been nine months already?? Letter to Carly

Dear, dear Carly,

A couple of days ago, you turned nine months old. You have now been "outside of me" just as long as you were "inside" me. And what a nine months it has been! Even though you don't sleep worth a darn, you are the easiest of all my babies. Maybe I am just more confident/experienced now, I don't know, but it really does seem like fun versus work. You smile so much and just exude pure love!
You have four teeth now! Two on the bottom ,and now two on the top. The right one came in on Sunday (6/21) and the other one came in Wednesday (6/24). I thought it was so cute when you only had the bottom ones and you would smile that cheesy grin smile where you'd crinkle your nose and eyes, and just grin away. I admit that I was a little sad to see you get the other teeth because it means you are growing up.

You can say "mama". It is so cute because you will move your lips like you are saying "Mama" with no sound, and then you'll say it! You can also click your usually do it if I do it first.

You are a horrible sleeper, I am sorry to report. Just horrible. I don't think you even sleep more than 4 hours at a time. I don't know because looking at the clock is the last thing I think of when I am woken up for the umpteenth million time each night. I really, really, really wish you'd sleep better...then life would be perfect!!

You crawl around all over the place. You started out with tentative little crawl-scoots, but now you are a pro! You can get anywhere you want to go. You can even navigate the step-up in our living room to the rest of the house. That means you are not just confined to one go everywhere. Your brothers are amazed, and get excited every time you crawl into another room. "Carly's crawling, " they'll shout!
You pulled to standing the other day on a little step stool. You actually took a couple of steps around it, too! But I have not seen you do it since.
You still nurse. And you don't really seem to like baby food for me. You'll eat it for Angela, but not for me...silly girl. But you do like "real people" food! You love cereal bars, and, spaghetti! (And pizza, cake and ice cream!)
You had your 9th month appointment on Friday--you are 16 pounds...that puts you in the 10% for weight. You were 50% at 4 months, 25% at 6 months, and now 10%. Dr Coco is not too worried, because, look at are not have lovely baby rolls all over! I think you are just going to be petite. Dr Coco thinks your eyes will stay blue!!

I might think of more later, but right now I am tired and I cannot think. Oh, by the way--you had rosceola this past week...high fever and rash. You are the only one of my kdis to have it, and my mom reminded me today that I had it, too! Like mother, like daughter!

I love you so much, silly bear!
