Saturday, October 24, 2009

Has it really been THIRTEEEN months???

Dear Carly,

You are now thirteen months old. Wow! You are still so little, that it looks funny when you walk you shouldn't be walking yet because you are still a baby!

I think you are so smart because of all the things that you know how to do without being "taught". When I give you a brush and tell you to brush your hair, you mimic the brushing motion. Same with a toothbrush! When you pick up my cell phone, you hold it to your ear and "talk". You know how to turn around and scoot yourself off the couch. You color on paper with crayons. I told you the other day to "get your drink" and you turned around, picked up your drink and drank it! I'm sure that this is normal behavior for 13 month olds, but I don't remember and to me, you seem so smart!

No, you don't really says words yet. You say Mama and have for a while. You wave bye-bye with your fingers. But as far as real words...nothing. Maybe you are one who is taking it all in and one day will just blurt out a full, recognizable sentence?! You do babble that cute little baby babble. But no words...sigh. Angela said that the other day, Halie came home and you said her name several times and that even Ryan knew what you were saying, but I haven't heard it.

You have a cold right now, replete with all the sniffles, runny nose and watery eyes that accompany colds. Poor baby. You fight, fight, fight it when I try to use the nose goblin on you (our word for snot sucker, doesn't nose goblin sound so much nicer??)

You have eight teeth...four on bottom and four on top. You still don't have a lot of hair, but they all tell me it'll come some day! You wear size 12 months clothing and size 3 diapers! You are bottle free!! Only a sippy cup for you! You still nurse a couple of times a day! And you SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT two days ago! WOO HOO!..You are starting to get a little picky with food. You like salmon, chicken and meat, all fruits, but you are starting to turn your nose up at some veggies. And, of course, you wouldn't be my child if you didn't like sweets!! You are a brownie fiend...LOL!

This Halloween you will be a flower! I can't wait until my computer is fixed so I can upload pics!!

I love you, flower girl!