Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy FIRST Birthday, Sweet Baby Girl!!

Dear Rita-Carlita,

I know I am a day late in posting this, but yesterday was all about you, and I didn't quite feel like writing a blog...

Let's see...what's new?

You are walking!!!

You still nurse, but only twice a day at this point. You love to eat regular people food...cereal bars, fruit and brownies are your favorites!!

You still wake up a couple of times a night, but that's ok because you go right back to sleep! You take a nap in mid morning and then a nap in the afternoon.

You love to play peek-a-boo, patty cake, and wave bye-bye!

It has been such a fun year with you! I can't believe how fast time has went from 7lbs, 5 oz to 17lbs, 14oz. From 20 inches to 27 inches. You are just growing like a weed. I love you soooooo much...and am sooooo grateful you blessed us with your presence! It is such a joy to watch all the new things you do and to experience life with you. Everywhere we go, people just fall in love with you because of your infectious grin and your beautiful spirit! I hope you continue to smile all the time and shine with love and happiness!

I believe that a woman who says she loves all her children the same is lying. A mother loves each of her children differently and for different reasons. It doesn't mean that she loves one MORE than the other; it just means that each child holds a unique spot in her heart, each child fulfills a different role in her life. I love you more than I ever thought I could love a baby girl. I know that sounds weird, but I thought, after three boys, that there was no real inherent difference between boys and girls. After all, a child is a child no matter what. You would just be another child in my house. But I am already finding that you are NOT the same as your brothers. That pink is so much fun!

Anyway, I love you my sweet, sweet Princess,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Been a While....

Life seems so hectic right reality it's not any more hectic than usual, it just FEELS so.

Landon started first grade. They grow so much in Kindergarten--that's a given. But I never knew how much they would grow academically in just the first month of first grade. Landon's penmanship is improving by leaps and bounds. And he is a bona fide reader now! There are some words that I am in awe that he knows, and then there are others that he won't sound out and it's frustrating. He has homework every night, Monday through Thursday. It is just a math worksheet, a writing/words worksheet, and to read/be read to for fifteen minutes. And it falls on me to be the taskmaster. He gets so upset with me when I come home from work and tell him we have to do homework. So I have now instituted a reward policy...if he does his homework without complaining each night, then he can buy his lunch at school one day the next week. Seems to be working nicely so far...

I have decided I DO NOT like the age three. I didn't like it with Austin or Landon. I do not like it with Ryan. And I will not like it with Carly. (I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them, Sam I am.) Ryan is sooooo mean. He is constantly "beating up" on Carly, and even Landon. Whatever happened to my sweet little blondie?? But, as he grows up, he cracks me up with the things he says and does. He LOVES Mylie last night he has boppin his head and singing along with her on TV.

Carly...Carly...Carly. There is so much going on in the world of Carly. Her seventh tooth started poking through this past week (the day Patrick Swayze died). She is drinking milk from a sippy cup all by herself! But the big news is she is walking!! She started taking steps here and there the last couple of weeks. Then it turned in to six or seven steps at a time the last couple of days. Then it turned in to her walking everywhere last night. It's too cute. She walk really slow to keep her balance. And she's so little that it looks funny for her to be walking around! Go, Carly!!

I have been crazy busy at work. Some days were crazy due to patient load...we had forty-some deliveries in the first five days of September. That kinda capped off a hellish three weeks of every room full and more coming in every time you answered the phone or the door. Right now I am trying to finish a big more thing (and it's just a class!) and I am D-O-N-E!!! This has been something I have worked on since January, and it feels soooo good to be pretty much finished! Being the overachiever I am, I feel like I have gone over and above what was asked of me, but at least I can say I truly earned my bonus and the level III RN title!

I start back to college in November. I am bridging to get my bachelors in nursing. It is an online program, and it should only take me a year or so. Baylor pays for it, so I am psyched!

There's way more going to in the Caro household, but I just do not have the energy to put it out there for all to see. Plus I have to get dressed for church--such a bright spot each week!!