Friday, April 24, 2009

Carly's Six Month Pics

Here are Carly's sixth month pics, taken at Kiddie Kandids:
I LOVE this one...this is how she looks all the smiley

Here's another of her "famous" looks:

This is one of my favs, such a serious little pose

Carly...You're Seven Months Old Now!!

Dear Carly-sue,

You are seven months old now!! (And I am only a day late in posting this...woo hoo!!)

You continue to be the sunshine in our lives, by smiling and just being irresistably cute almost all the time. Now I cannot lie, there were a few days in there that you were NOT a happy camper, and you cried quite a bit to let us know. But, POOF, a tooth popped out (Saturday, April 18th), and you were back to your sweet baby self.

You continue to be a breastfed baby, and it seems like that if you have your way, you'll never stop...LOL. At least you have not used your new found tooth against me! And after your several weeks baby food strike, you now voraciously eat any and all baby food. Last night, I made you a yummy concoction of sweet potatoes and green ate every last bit. I have also started giving you the little Gerber stare very intently at it, pick up perfectly with your little finger and thumb and plop it in your mouth. Like you have been doing it forever, silly girl!

You nap pretty regularly every day somewhere between 4 and 6 o'clock. We just put you in your swing and you fall right to sleep. Why don't you do that at night??!!

You sit up VERY well now. And the other day, you leaned forward and were almost on all fours for about 10 seconds. Maybe you'll crawl soon?? I try to give you floor time every day and not hold you all the time, but you are so small and cuddly, it is hard.

You love your jumperoo and now you fit!! You just jumo, jump, jump all the time. As a matter of fact, when I put you in your excersaucer, you start to jump up and down, because that is how it is supposed to be...LOL.

The other day you went to the nursey at church for the first decided that you wanted to lead the sermon, so I had to take you out so the others could hear the pastor...LOL.

I can't think of anything else new that you do...except grow just a little more hair!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to dress you up in your look so dadgum cute!

I love you my silly little princess!! Oh, by the way, you have your daddy AND brothers wrapped around your little finger!!

Love you much, sweet baby girl,

Oh--did I mention your temper?? Because if I try to take something away from you, especially my keys, you sure do let me know that you are NOT having any of that, and give it back now (please)!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Look What I Made!

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I made a little slideshow of Miss Carls...thanks, Jill, for the idea!! I love the smilebox thingie!!