Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Half Year!!!

My sweet little baby girl...

My how time flies! You are now six months old, and what a glorious, wonderful six months we have had together.

Here are all you new "talents" and firsts:

--You started on solids. You tried cereal (not a fan), bananas and applesauce. At first you didn't really get the hang of eating, you were always sticking your tongue out and spilling the food. But something clicked on Saturday, and now you know how to eat babyfood!! And you seem to like it, as you open your mouth wider and wider for more!

--You are still a breastfed baby. As a matter of fact, you only drink about 10-12 oz of expressed breast milk at Angela's or with Daddy while I am at work...I am guessing it is enough to stave off the hunger. And then you nurse, nurse, nurse when I come home.

--You sure do know your Mama! As soona s I come home, if I do not immediatley go to pick you up, you start to cry. And, sweetie, I have to change out of my nasty scrubs before I hold you.

--You purposefully play now...you look at a toy, and grab at it to play. You put all toys and such into your mouth...and that includes your toes, too...LOL.

--You CAN roll, when you WANT to!

--You sit up very, very well. As a matter of fact, when you lie dowm, you strain your neck up like you are trying to sit straight up.

--You screech and babble, and pretty much entertain us all with your "commentary!"

You are such a joy. You smile at everyone and everybody, and everytime we go somewhere, people always stop me to comment on how cute you are! You have the cutest little dimple by your eye...weird, but it's there and it's cute!

You weighed 14lbs, 13 oz and were 25 inches long at your six month appt. You did great with your shots, and are the picture of health!!

I love you so very much and am glad that God blessed you into our lives!!



Well--I was waiting to post until I had pics,but those will have to come later!